We make it easy to get the loan you need. From auto financing options with our dealer network. Even if you have bad credit, do not have credit, or credit a little damaged, we can help. Get more information and learn how we can finance your loan today!

Fast approval

We release funds in record time.

Without restrictions

No age or mileage restrictions on the vehicle.

Credit recovery

We evaluate clients with repossessions and previous bankruptcies.

No minimum quantity to finance

No minimum income, employment time, residence time or migratory status.


Our services

A financing option for each client

We provide our dealers with the level of support, technology and financing flexibility to succeed.
We know it’s difficult to generate a steady flow of qualified leads into your dealership so we help you to do it.

If you need financial help just contact us and we will happy to assist you!

What our clients say

All what customers says about us


The service is great! One of the best services without dude.

Fernanda Guzmán

They have good relations with the customers and they catch my priorities in a second

Laura Stailing

They have amazing solutions and knowledge about this business.

James Ortiz

Flexibility is the key financially speaking and Krolls Financial LLC has an excellent point of view. It has been a great experience!

Adam Rodriguez

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